What’s the “O” For? O-My-God it’s Early.

Thanks to a year of parenthood preceded by 10 months of pregnancy and to “Good Morning Vietnam,” (from whence comes the title of this post) I got out of bed at 5:30 am with a smile on my face and a spring in my step.

Or it might just be that I knew I was heading towards the coffee.

My shoes are shined, our lunches are packed, our clothes are picked out. My toenails are even painted, in case the sun decides to shine again and I need to wear open-toed shoes. In three minutes I will hit the shower – but not too hard. Apparently, making terrible jokes will be part of my new life.

On the bright side, I will get to use some of my other blog-post categories, like “the elevator.” And “outside.” In fact, as I will be going outside today, far outside, I think I will put this post in that category.

I ache, a little, for the past year.

So here, watch this.

The Penguin Says: Linux! from tortured potato and Vimeo.

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