That’s More Like It

In the car yesterday morning I heard the kind of cover song I can get behind: a reggae version of Michael Bolton’s “A Love So Beautiful.” Now, I am partial to this song since it’s the closest thing to an “our song” that Saint Aardvark and I have ever had but aside from that, what I really liked about the cover is that it was totally different from the original. Which to me is the whole point of a cover tune. Otherwise it’s just karaoke.

Wait, wait, did you see me just claim a Michael Bolton tune as a meaningful part of my relationship? And you just ACCEPTED it and kept reading? You guys.

Our relationship was built just like this city: on rock and roll.

(Ah, not really but I like that sentence a lot and I’m not deleting it. I guess it was built more on rock and roll than on Michael Bolton, though.)

Way back in the way-back-ether, when we were in between dating each other, he requested this Michael Bolton tune on a radio show and had it dedicated to me for my birthday. Then he recorded the DJ’s intro and put the recording on a mixed tape.

At another point in our long history, he suprised me with two tickets to POCOHONTAS ON ICE!

As you can see, I married him to keep the world safe for the rest of you. I am a freedom fighter for the Crazy Revolution.

Yesterday morning I found some bhangra for Trombone to dance to. I found it here. The artist’s name is Ranj B and you can watch one of his videos here if you are interested.

As all of this (including this post) happened yesterday, I would have posted this oh about 24 hours ago but I sent the video below to Youtube but YT was being a little assholish – I guess too many people are watching Paris Hilton peepee in jail – so after waiting a full day for my video to be available for viewing, I Just This Morning switched to Vimeo for my cutebabyvideohosting needs and it seems pretty sweet so far. Much nicer website (I love brown and blue together) & interface (little things like a progress bar to tell you how much of your clip has been uploaded) and a lot less busy. I could do without all the logos and the progress bar across the image but as long as you can see those hips a-swivelling and hear me doing my running commentary (must remember to STOP DOING THAT when I go back to the office) it’s all good, right?

The Rhythm! The Rhythm! from tortured potato on Vimeo

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