Soon! Soon! Soon!

Oh, potatoes are SO GOOD! For dinner I ate:

potatoes that had been boiled till tender, then fried in olive oil for 10 minutes, then had garlic and onion and salt (kosher salt) and pepper (fresh ground pepper) added then cooked for another 20 minutes.
Plus: an open-faced bacon, tomato, cheese sandwich with red onion for garnish, under the broiler for 10 minutes.

Is there anything else I need to do today? No, I don’t think so. I think I’m good. Oh, but look at this, it came in the mail:

She’s happy with their service. Looks kind of dirty to me.

Turns out I don’t have to sprinkle oil in my catt’s food to make him eat oil. He’ll eat it right off my finger.

This morning at 5:15, someone stalled his motorbike right outside our house and then spent five minutes wrenching the penultimate, gut-clenching kerrrrrummmmmmmrummmmmmmmrummmmmmmmrummmmmmm s out of it before taking it for a spin around the block a couple of times. If I ever find out who that person is, I will personally make sure he eats nothing but slightly stale shoes and watches nothing but Battlefield Earth (unless there is a Battlefield Earth II by then, because surely that will be worse) for all eternity.

In a cruel twist on the old knickers, my head has latched on to a line from Liz Phair’s only single from last year’s rotten-to-the-core album “Liz Phair”. The line where she sings, “Average everyday sane psycho SuperGoddess! Average everyday sane psycho….” The other day I heard a dj on Z95.3, which used to be the Total Station for Everyone but now is a somewhat sad bucket full of Three Hit Songs and A Commercial (A Britney, a Matchbox 20 and an Oldie, usually Prince), refer to Liz Phair as “the sexy Liz Phair – whooee have you seen the pictures on her website? Here’s her new hit single; Extraordinary!”

A less apt title I have never heard. Too bad Wesley Willis is dead. He would have written a very good song about Liz Phair.

Monkeysocks to that.

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