Bonne Fete a Toi…

It’s La Petite Banane’s Birthday!

Dear Banane,

A warm welcome to outside-mom’s-body! I was delighted to learn of your extrEEEMEly speedy arrival this evening. I wish I had not been at a training session for my volunteer job, learning about ugly things, and could have instead been around to give you a big kiss. Maybe tomorrow.

I think Rob Brezny knew you were coming because he wrote the following words just in time for you to read them:

At this point in your journey, Gemini, your free will is a more important factor in determining your fate than the constraints of karma or the whims of the gods. I won’t waste your time, then, predicting what may or may not lie ahead. Instead, I’ll invite you to formulate self-fulfilling prophecies about the beautiful future you want to create. To help tease out your brainstorms, I offer you a few of the laws of life articulated by Hawaiian shaman Serge Kahili King: 1. The world is what you think it is. 2. There are no limits; everything is possible. 3. Energy flows where attention goes. 4. Now is the moment of power. 5. To love is to be happy. 6. All power comes from within.

Awntie Cheesefairy

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