When Somebody Knows you That Well

Dance the joy-dance; the Burnaby-Douglas NDP have selected a candidate to replace Svend Robinson. Bill Siksay was Svend’s assistant for 18 years AND he has a wolfhound. Even if I didn’t already believe in the NDP (because of their principles, their campaign colours and their overall Righteousness) I would vote for Bill in a stuttering heartbeat.

He has no photo of himself up on the web – granted I didn’t look very hard – which put him head, shoulders, knees and toes above his Conservative and Liberal competition. Who would you vote for, given those choices?

(on a side note, I didn’t expect to have such a violent reaction to Mr. Bill Cunningham but when I read his blog and looked at his 12-year old chubby cheeks I felt a rush of blood to my brain and an immediate desire to go knock down all his signs with a baseball bat. If he comes door-knocking at my house, I can’t promise I’ll be very interested in his table tennis advocacy or very polite about his [undoubtedly]short stature.)

Good gravy: look at the Conservative candidate for Barrie! He looks like Christian Bale in American Psycho for pete’s sake! His teeth match his tie!

Off to buy peanut butter now.

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