You’re my Favourite Mistake

Sign taped to the back of a car heading east on Grandview: No, Mr. Campbell, YOU cease and desist.
Sign on a picketer at St. Paul’s Hospital: Fired by a drunk liar!

Ah Gordo. You meant, well, right? You just wanted to stick to your guns and keep your promises, the ones you ran for office on, the ones about making B.C. safer for all B.C’ians? After all, you are nothing without your credibility. And you promised change, a new era, a better B.C. A shiny B.C. But some people refuse to shine! What can you do with those people? You can’t take a rag to them and polish them. If they won’t shine on their own, well, I guess you have to punish them.

Yeah, unions are pretty un-shiny. Mostly the women don’t wear makeup and the men don’t wear suits. With unions around, in the face of the media, in the national news, people might start thinking B.C. doesn’t shine after all. And then they won’t bring their business here, and then you’ll be breaking your promise. Don’t break your promise. Daddy doesn’t like it when you break your promises.

All I can hope for now is that all the many people I heard honking & saw waving their support for picketers and all the people who have surprised me with opinions opposite to what I would expect are still living here next year, 378 days from today, when it comes time to vote. Right now it’s easy to say “oh sure, only a fool would vote for Gordo’s Liberals!” But Mike Harris won a second term in Ontario despite having fucked over the people of Ontario quite thoroughly during his first. People of B.C: Shine where it counts!

Hence: a brief history of Gordo, one which makes you wonder, reading it, where the little click happened that sent him into a spiral of evil intentions. He certainly doesn’t read evil.
And some Strike info.
And then a fabulous place to take your mind off things.

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