Polyp Catt

Oh! he’s got a blobby thing, a dangling thing
hanging off the end of his chin – POLYP CATT
There! he likes to run with it, bouncing it
I think he’s impressed with himself – POLYP CATT
never gonna stop, watch him go, such a hairy beast
eating all the birds, kicking ass, the whole world’s his feast
ai ai ai ai ai

Polyp Catt!

Polyp Catt’s minion, The Partner, came a’callin’ this morning. He sashayed up the porch stairs, ears overcorrecting so’s to tune in his directions from The Boss. He stared at us through the kitchen window, twitching slightly, like he had doubled his espresso intake for fun.

do you think he’s sick, or hungry?
nah, he’s just doing Polyp Catt’s bidding. they taunt [our catt] because he stays inside and plays with string.
but that is what catts do.
not these catts.

Our catt came running from his cozy place of all-the-time-sleeping! and, puffing up his tail accordingly, approached the screen door with fire in his eyes…But The Partner, slightly myopic, we now realized, looked past our catt and, after a few seconds, turned his back and ambled back down the stairs and across the yard (with a quick stop to poop in the other neighbour’s vegetable garden.)

now he’s gone back to report to Polyp Catt that [our catt] has rejected their advances yet again.
but that’s fucked up!
that’s catt law, man. I don’t make it.

Next door, Polyp Catt spends his evenings on a windowsill, waiting for the sun to descend completely so that he may begin his nightly reign of terror. His polyp sways gently beneath his chin like one of those swinging bags that boxers hit for practice.

pow he says softly, under his breath, pow.

They will pay, oh they will pay. They will feel his wrath tonight, from a stone concealed in a washcloth, wielded by The Partner, Polyp Catt off to the side, watching with glazed eyes and a hard heart. They will pay.

YAY! Time for “10.5”; the story of a premier at the heart of a contraversial law and the labour leader who wins his heart…saint aardvark is quite hysterical with excitement. He is abandoning his corned beef hash-esque and heading for the living room with feet like blades of steel on a freshly mown ice rink.

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