Category Archives: more about me!

Second Verse, Same as the First

There aren’t very many things that make me so angry I want to yell and pound walls. Consequently, I don’t often get that angry. Probably there are more things out there that I could get angry at, really angry; not … Continue reading

Posted in more about me!, people | 3 Comments

We Need More Chins!

I typed a “w” into the title box of this post and a drop-down list of previous titles I’ve typed appeared. I recognized a few but this one, “We Need More Chins!” I have no recollection of it. Why did … Continue reading

Posted in bloggity!, more about me! | 8 Comments

A Stream Of Consciousness Fishing Pole Caught this Awesome Salmon!

I was peeing just now and I thought I should post something and in my head it was all listy and clever 10 things I learned about myself this week or a collection of blue items I own but now … Continue reading

Posted in funny, idiots, more about me!, outside | 5 Comments

Epiphany 2: Now with More Goat!

This morning Trombone was being a little crankpot. Saint Aardvark made a grand gesture and took him out for a walk in the rain and I stayed home to make bacon and egg sandwiches. After I shut the door after … Continue reading

Posted in more about me!, trombone | 7 Comments

I’m Hot Because I’m Fly!

Remember a ways-ago when I realized I didn’t care what I looked like anymore? That passed. Now I am leaving the house every day and going through several countries (okay, transit zones) only to end up smack in the middle … Continue reading

Posted in more about me!, outside | 4 Comments