We Need More Chins!

I typed a “w” into the title box of this post and a drop-down list of previous titles I’ve typed appeared. I recognized a few but this one, “We Need More Chins!” I have no recollection of it. Why did I type it? What was the entry going to be about? No clue.

Maybe it was a picture of me bending my head forward so that I had several chins. There are a lot of those kinds of pictures. This paragraph from The Evil Gremlins Conspire to Convince Parents to Have A Second Child states, in part, in Chapter 12 that:

…the parents shall photograph the first baby to the exclusion of everything else including themselves. This ensures that no photographic evidence will exist of the parents in the first year, further ensuring that they will have no recollection of their sad, droopy, baggy-eyed, sallow-skinned, desperately-bright-eyed selves and will assume, erroneously, that their current state of happiness with X-aged first child (where X is greater than 10 months) is the state of being of all people with any age of child – an assumption which furthers our cause nicely indeed.

On Friday I’m getting a haircut. My daycare provider recommended a woman in the neighbourhood. Allegedly, this woman is an Expert Curly Hair Cutter, which is good because I have some curly hair. Poking through my photo library the other day I saw the photos from my last haircut, in November,(apologies for the terrible formatting in that post) and I miss that haircut. Since November, the new things my hair have done include:

-growing a brand new layer of hair all the way around my head which is about 2 inches long now and sometimes curls endearingly and sometimes looks like I shaved a goat and taped it to my head
– growing about 7 inches everywhere else but not in any uniform fashion
– become very grey
– become somewhat orange in places despite my NO HAIRDYE POLICY (informal, 2006)

I don’t mind the grey or the orange. But I might consult with the stylist about colouring. What can she possibly do about the “mom hairs” though – the fringe around my head? I’ve read enough ‘blogs and talked to enough people to know that this is a post-partum thing. Do we cut everything to the length of the little hairs? Or do we slick them back with pomade? (I am joking. My pomade days are done.)

I was talking to somebody yesterday about Trombone and told the person that Trombone still only has 4 teeth, at 13.5 months old. (lazy kid!) Then I realized actually he has closer to 6 teeth, possibly even 7 by now. The eye-teeth have been coming in for the last couple of weeks. Once I realized that, I was shocked to note that I didn’t update all you people in ‘blog land when the 3rd and 4th teeth came in. For all you know, he might still only have the two on the bottom! Saints alive.

He is also chattering non-stop with inflection that shows he actually is having a conversation, shows a great love of feeding and watering his baby doll with its own fake sippy cup (complete with thirst-quenching sound effect “ahhhhhhh” which his dad taught him) and is about a week away from walking on his own, which is handy because I have several pairs of shoes-in-waiting. I would show you pictures but I have to go get my work on. Yesterday I wore my bartender face but today I think I might wear rock and roll.

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