Category Archives: bloggity!

I’m Not Dead. Just Resting.

As happens more and more lately I am between blog topics. It’s so boring. Also, the other day I poisoned myself with something from our fridge. It might’ve been the hot pepper. I don’t know. I woke up at 2:30 … Continue reading

Posted in bloggity!, idiots | 2 Comments

X This

I was ever so close last night to shutting down my computer and heading upstairs to eat chips and read. (I eat chips in bed. No, SA doesn’t mind. He eats chips in bed too. But not my chips. No … Continue reading

Posted in bloggity! | 8 Comments

Questions! Suggestions! Birthday Glee!

This day last year was my last day of work. I had pizza for lunch and sweated copiously. My 40-foot belly, resplendant in its pink tank top, came around corners 15 minutes before the rest of me. People kept telling … Continue reading

Posted in bloggity!, food, people, trombone | 3 Comments

To all my Bloggies

This is a broadcast message to those of you with Blogger blogs, to let you know that I support you and am still reading about your lives closely, almost obsessively, however due to a bug in either Blogger or Firefox, … Continue reading

Posted in bloggity! | 5 Comments

The Cheeseblog: Stream of Semi-Consciousness Edition

In the dark, in the glider, with a baby permanently attached to me, my thoughts flash bright like fireworks and then disappear. By which I mean bright like loud and intrusive, not bright like brilliant. To wit: – I love … Continue reading

Posted in bloggity! | 5 Comments