The Cheeseblog: Stream of Semi-Consciousness Edition

In the dark, in the glider, with a baby permanently attached to me, my thoughts flash bright like fireworks and then disappear. By which I mean bright like loud and intrusive, not bright like brilliant. To wit:

– I love my new bag
– Mary Poppins is a really nasty woman
– advice to the expectant mother esp. re: appropriate chairs for nursing/cuddling
– OMG We Are Totally Getting Our Car (in 3 days/in 2 days/tomorrow/Today!)
– places I am going to go in our car
– I had a dream that I was on the road with the Hillary Clinton For President campaign
– the differences between the 8 week and 8 month old baby, esp. re: public transit
– I would like someone to dance on my body till the bones and joints go back to where they’re supposed to
– I figured out why the knuckles on my left hand are cracked and dry
– should I dye my hair?
– I can go to the best shoe store ever in our car (add to mental list)
– screw having seen any of them – I have only heard of one of the Oscar nominated films

I can expound at length if one (or many) of these topics grabs you by the collar and shakes you senseless. I also take requests. I play wicked air drums but absolutely no Tom Waits covers. I like coffee.

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