Tag Archives: notes from mother’s journal

Notes From Mother’s Journal: Strolling Around Edmonds St. Edition

We walked through a new neighbourhood today, Fresco and I, while Trombone was at preschool. Not new, just new to us. I usually drive through it on my way somewhere else. So do most other people, I am guessing, as … Continue reading

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Notes From Mother’s Journal: Food is Good

I had an abdominal ultrasound this morning at 10:30 to see if there are aliens or fairies in my belly causing the weirdness of last week. In advance of this ultrasound I could eat no fat for 24 hours before … Continue reading

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Notes from Mother’s Journal, II

It was close today, you guys. We almost didn’t make it out of the house. I was thisclose to just saying, you know what? I know it’s sunny and spring and shit? But we are going to play inside. Scratch … Continue reading

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Notes from Mother’s Journal

This morning I had a shower. It didn’t help. My hair has done that thing where it grows an inch overnight and goes from adorable shrubbery to overgrown lawn animal. Plus, on Sunday I dyed it and it is MADDDDD … Continue reading

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