At 15 weeks old, Trombone now weighs 16 lbs, 14 oz and has developed the digital dexterity necessary to use the camera:

He can grab things really well with both hands. Especially my face when I lean in to kiss his forehead. He also likes to grab my thumb and pinky with his two hands and pull as though my hand is a wishbone and he needs a golden pony.

Around the middle of week 14, I began to notice that my shoulder was always sopping wet after I had been carrying him around. Then I noticed that his right hand kept clutching the side of his head. Ever observant, I watched as he crammed his hands into his mouth from every possible angle, screaming when he couldn’t get both of them in. Teething, you say? Indeed.

By Thanksgiving, we were so tired from the night-time screamy waking that we just gave him a glass of my dad’s wine and drank the rest of the bottle ourselves. Let us now give thanks for wine.

No, not really. I mean really yes, let us give thanks. But not really we didn’t give the baby wine.
That night he slept all night long. And then, this past week, things were delightful again. We went for walks, we had naps on the couch, and though he slept through the ceremony, he attended his first wedding – that of his cousin once-removed to her beau. The fall sunshine was brilliant and warm; the ocean breeze delicate and refreshing. Too, too enjoyable.

When I got home from the wedding, my order had arrived from Jamtots, a cloth diaper webstore based in Victoria. We have been using a service (The Service actually, as Vancouver has but one diaper service) until now but that will end October 31st and we’ll be buying & laundering our own. I ordered various things, including a snappi – for the pin-free fastening of prefold and flat diapers. It’s pretty neat but I don’t find pins all that much trouble – except for when using prefolds that are too small, as we have been for 2 weeks because I forgot to call The Service and change our order. The Snappi, however, has not changed my life the way this has:

That is an orange Fuzzi Bunz pocket diaper on my son’s adorable butt. The outer shell is attached to a microfleece lining which wicks moisture through to the liner (stuffed separately into the diaper’s pocket.) It’s super absorbant, as you can stuff as many liner-like objects in there as you like. You could also hide your important papers in a zippered, waterproof baggie, if you wanted.
EXPENSIVE, to be certain. $20 + apiece, damn! (thank goodness I get $100 a month from Stephen Harper to spend any way I want!) That’s why I only bought one and why I made sure it was orange. They’re the most streamlined fitted diaper I’ve encountered yet, which is good because Trombone likes to exercise his legs and sometimes, with other fitted diapers + covers, he is wrapped so tight all he can do is look up at me helplessly.

He’s holding his head up on his own now. And he’s making lots of different noises – from a quiet, cooing chatter (incessant! how? born of two introverts?) to a piercing, catt-in-pain-type cry of delight. A couple of weeks ago he was doing a phlegmy gurgle due to all the excess teething saliva and the fact that I giggled every time he did it, but that seems to have passed.
In other words, all is well.