Tooting my own Trombone

So there’s a thing called the Canadian Blog Awards? And the Cheeseblog has been nominated in both the Humour and Personal blog categories. Arwen is nominated in the Personal category too so now IT IS ON.

I feel weird mentioning this because it is self-promotion and that makes me uncomfortable but on the other hand it would suck to have zero votes because no one even knew there was a Canadian Blog Awards (I had no idea) let alone that they could vote for me so I would get a little button to stick on my sidebar so I’m mentioning it and faux humility be damned. And on the other, other hand, I’m up against Rick Fucking Mercer so let’s be done with the counting now and get me my concession speech, Sally.

Oh except the voting isn’t until November.

In other news, I have decided that my unnatural love for structure is conflicting with my new, loose-limbed lifestyle. Traditionally, when my life has been out of my control, I have Done Things to my hair. However, at the moment, a new me is forming in the bathroom wastepaper basket due to post-partum shed (there are clumps of hair that would make a yeti proud!) so dying it would be a waste of money and cutting it is out of the question because I need a ponytail for the kid to grab while I change his diaper.

My point is: my hair is no longer my emotional steering wheel.

All else I’ve got is the Cheeseblog. But of late, the posts are so sporadic and sometimes disappointing! I want them to be better. Partly I need more time and both hands free for typing. Those two things are not possible. But I am thinking that in the same way that I always wrote my best essays in school when I had a specific topic to address, perhaps having a specific requirement of my brain would help kick its ass into gear more often. (Yes! My brain has an ass! It’s getting fatter the more I sit on it and don’t climb stairs!)

So, like Sarah has her “Monday Montage” (pictures of her family) and her “Friday Funnies” (funny stories about her family) I am toying with the idea of a weekly topic-typey-thing to keep myself interested and the Cheeseblog updated. Interestingly.

That way, too, people will know what day to check in if they’re only interested in one topic. Baby updates on Saturdays. Introspection on Sundays. Politics on Mondays. Music on Tuesdays. Television on Wednesdays. Ducks on Thursdays and squirrels on Fridays.

Or, you know, something like that.

Well, when I implemented Sweater Vest Tuesdays at work last year, it was a big hit. So you just wait.

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