Oh and By the Way

I stuck Trombone on Youtube. Y’all.


Posted in trombone | 6 Comments

I TOLD You Guys I Needed A Car

Otherwise how would I have gone to Value Village and bought these curtains?

curtain rings of orange plastic!


with baby for scale

Posted in outside | 2 Comments

Useless Skill Set

My first real job with a salary and benefits was with a software company. I was hired to fill in for a receptionist who went on maternity leave. It was a bit of a leap, as my previous work experience had been in retail (cheese and photocopies) but I am smart and my resume was well-written, having been recently tweaked by a job-search guru-type.

I worked as receptionist for a few months and then was stationed in another part of the company working as a sales assistant. I did both jobs for the rest of the first year and then moved full-time to the sales position when the real receptionist came back.

Working in such a foreign country as software sales (and not, y’know, video games or anything; this was boring, obscure, niche software) taught me a lot. I learned about sales. I learned office politics. I learned (just) enough about the obscure software to write convincing copy. I learned how to plan a Christmas party for a staff of 50 and a truly insane company president (is there any other kind?) I learned how to fake being social just enough to go out for lunch with people but not enough that you become the go-to person for every single employee birthday cake and company party. I learned that I had strengths in areas I would never have thought to look; organization, teaching, sales and marketing, diplomacy. One skill that I didn’t trip over, though, was any sort of skill with numbers.

My history with numbers goes like this:

grade 1: having skipped half a year of kindergarten because I was so “advanced” as a reader, I find myself mired in math. I hate it on sight.
grade 7: the phrase “math is beautiful” is uttered by my favourite teacher more times than I have tears of frustration to cry over the fact that I am NOT GETTING IT.
grade 9: a cute boy is in my math class!
grade 10: my math mark, at its usual “C,” prompts my father to send me to summer school because I should really get better than a “C” in math (despite 12 years of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, he continued to hold firm to this belief.)
grade 12: thank god, no more math for me!
university: after several tries, I pass Quantitative Methods of Political Analysis (AKA Statistics hiss) and eventually get my degree.

At my first performance review with the software company, my boss, the unofficial vice president, said, You’re great. But you’d be better if you could make spreadsheets. You see, she was actually an accountant. A real, live, cuckoo-for-Quicken accountant. She liked numbers. They made sense to her and sang her to sleep. I, by contrast, would give her reports verbally or written in stunning paragraphs of prose which caused her to blink and ask again, are sales up or down? I didn’t speak her language. As part of my coming-year commitments, I registered for a course in Microsoft Excel.

I grew to appreciate the efficiency of Excel. I grew to like how a few simple formulae could save a whole bunch of time. I especially liked how I only had to learn a few simple formulae to seem way smarter. Now I seemed like a person who knew math when in fact I just knew a computer program.

(A lot of people confuse the two. They think they are writers because they can format using a word processor; they think they are graphic designers because they can use Powerpoint hork, spit. I fostered no such illusions: I knew full well that learning Excel would help me stay lazy while my boss thought I was working harder.)

My next job, though, worshipped at the altar of Corel. The Excel equivalent by Corel is a program called Lotus 1-2-3 and oh my word does it suck. I know that’s like someone who wears only sneakers having the gall to criticize someone’s Jimmy Choos for esthetic reasons but using Lotus 1-2-3 is like eating soup with a fork. It’s like hugging a news anchor. It’s like an empty bag of chips in your cupboard.

Today I was walking home from getting some groceries. Trombone was in the stroller, grunting away. If I ever do this again, I thought, I am getting the infant seat. Because it’s all well and good and cost-efficient to buy a convertible carseat that will last through the child’s 4th birthday but really, the infant seat is so handy. It has a handle and the kid can sleep in it and eat in it and if it has a cold it can sleep upright. It’s only a hundred dollars or so. It’s a great tool.

But my brain didn’t stop there. I guess that’s another reason people have more than one kid, it said, because it’s such a waste to learn from your mistakes the first time and then not be able to use what you’ve learned.

Yeah yeah yeah! Sort of like me learning Excel, my brain was getting excited now, I mean, why on earth would I want to know how to use Excel in the first place? Some people are born to be accountants and some people CAN do it but prefer not to and some people can learn just enough to get by. Now I know how to use Excel and it seems a shame not to use that skill. I can see how some people would think that way about childbearing. You’ve got the skill, you’ve got the knowledge, you’ve got the crap in your storage locker already. What’s the big deal?

The big deal, retorted the other part of my brain, distinctly unexcited by this train of thought, is what if you learned how to work Baby A (Excel) and then Baby B is Lotus 1-2-3? Now you have TWO spreadsheet programs/babies taking up space in your brain/house and you don’t even like numbers/people that much!

What can I say. If I could take my brain out and put it in a glass jar for a couple of days, I would.

Posted in funny, more about me!, trombone | 6 Comments

Streetfighting Years

Part of Operation Don’t Injure the 8-Month-Old involves clearing the bottom two shelves of our bookcase. The bottom two shelves are stuffed with photos in albums, shoeboxes and a couple of Ikea shoebox-shaped shiny tins that I won at a staff Christmas party 5 years ago.

(No detail too small! That’s my motto!)

Anyway, as you will when your baby is finally sleeping past 5 am, I got up this morning to enjoy a couple of hours to myself and suddenly, as though sucked by centrifugal forces, found myself on the carpet, browsing through completely unsorted photographs. I opened one of the shiny tins and found myself at the beginning of our 1999 roadtrip; we were in Washington, Oregon, California on Highway 1-Ohmygodwe’regoingtodriveoffthiscliff-1, then just as quickly it was my cousin’s 1994 wedding and I was in a big floral bridesmaid’s dress, then some shots of cats through the years, then a party to celebrate Scotland, I am assuming, as I am wearing flannel plaid boxers on my head and have my hair tied under my chin in a beard-like design and am sandwiched between a guy wearing a tartan sash and a guy wearing red John Lennon glasses and a tartan dress (belted) that I’m pretty sure belonged to Sarah at the time. All of us are wearing buttons that I’m dead certain say, “Kiss me I’m Scottish.”

Whiplash, nothing! Blink and I’m in Cuba in January 1996, perched on a lounge chair and gesturing to the brilliant blue ocean behind me. Blink again and it’s me and my first boyfriend in 1993.

(Ouch. The grim smile of the 19-year-old who just realized she’s not in love after all.)

So many cats. Litters of them. So many parties; so many pictures of kitchens and chips and people with unruly hair throwing things at one another. So many terrible, beautiful pictures. We were all too skinny then; all teeth and hair and eyes, like anime characters. We look desperate, ecstatic, there is no record of any peaceful moments but I know there were a few.

I was enjoying the disorganized meander down memory lane when suddenly, there it was.

There were these parties, you see, where people wore just their underwear. Underwear Parties. I went to a few. They were incredibly fun. There was a sort of equality to be had. I say sort of – the girls still tended to wear “sexy” underwear and plan their outfits in advance and the guys tended to just strip off their clothes and be, well, wearing underwear, but everyone could have his or her own issue resolved at an underwear party and that was nice.

There was this guy who frequented the same parties as us. He was not my favourite person. He would show up places uninvited; he always stayed too long; he liked to talk but rarely listened; he excelled at cornering people and telling them long, unfunny stories. At the last underwear party I learned that he had thought I was someone else for YEARS and that’s why the conversations I was having with him (about how my screenplay was coming along, about how the comedy troupe was doing?) never made a lick of sense.


Someone happened along with a camera while this guy was baring his butt cheek at an underwear party and snapped a truly horrific photo.

Someone else got a print of the photo and brought it to the house Sarah and I were sharing. We found it the morning after a party, stuck to the fridge, I think. It curdled our cereal.

We took it with us to parties and tried to leave it at other peoples’ houses but somehow it always ended up back at our place; on the windowsill under a plant pot, underneath the TV, tacked to the wall behind a pizza menu. It was like a slow game of hot potato if by potato you mean icky guy’s bare butt.

I have it. The photo, I have it. It’s been in my shoebox of photos for – 6 years? Right there between Cuba and kittens. If this were a Stephen King story I could destroy the photo and my luck would change. Instead, I am going to share this video with you because I found it at Pandagon and it made my day.

Posted in music, people | 7 Comments

A Word from our Sponsors

Yesterday I received an email telling me I had won 413 thousand British Pounds in the UK BIG LOTTERY. What an awesome name for a lottery. Why mess around with clever titles. Cut to the chase. It’s big. Bigger than Donald Trump.

Speaking of Donald Trump, yes, I have been watching The Apprentice Los Angeles. I know I am the only one in the world who is watching it so I feel pressured to let you all know that last week’s reward for the winning team was to create a song with Snoop Dogg. Please let lame business people NEVER EVER EVER try to rap again. Snoop’s posse was all holy shit I know it’s Donald Trump and we’re on TV and all, but seriously can we kick these peoples’ asses? please Snoop? and Snoop was all Nope. I’ve got my reasons.

Speaking of mind-bendingly awful television, yesterday I turned on TYRA and got Jon Stewart instead. I think Jon Stewart is pretty awesome. But – and I feel ashamed typing this – where is my Crazy? I need my Crazy. Without my Crazy, how do I get to feel more sane? Jon Stewart does not help me feel more sane.

Speaking of Kill Me Now, I am Obviously Not Fit to Live on this Planet Amongst You, I watched 30 minutes of the first episode of the Pussycat Doll reality show. I watched until 12 of the 18 semi-finalists came down with pukey virus (no, I did NOT need to see actual vomit spewing from the mouth of a heavily made up teenager and splashing into a toilet bowl; I have been to the Blarney Stone [local Irish pub beloved on weekends by hoardes of college kids] on a saturday night, thank you) and then I realized that unless they bring on the finalists of The Apprentice to perform a freestyle battle against the finalists of The Next Doll I have no need to turn that show back on ever.

Finally, I have been receiving the plaintive cry of the emo-spam0r for a few days now in my comments (I suppose because this is what spam0rs think of bloggers, s/he keeps trying and trying with the same maudlin words):

I’ve basically been doing nothing worth mentioning, but so it goes. I’ve just been letting everything pass me by lately. I feel like a bunch of nothing. Maybe tomorrow. I haven’t gotten anything done for a while. My life’s been completely bland today, but pfft.

Apparently, if I go to emo-spam0r’s website, I can purchase all the hanky-panky-enhancing and mood-altering drugs I want, at a fraction of the retail price! Heal thyself, emo-spam0r! Pfft.

Posted in funny, television | 3 Comments