You Take the Good. You Take the Bad.

Bad: Up until yesterday I was trying to spend quality time on transit with “Neuromancer,” a book by William Gibson that I thought Saint Aardvark recommended to me when in fact he recommended “Virtual Light.” For good reason, as it turns out. Yesterday I finally gave up and put Neuromancer back on the shelf. I thought – well, I will just spend time THINKING on transit, that way I will have more ideas for my ‘blog!

This afternoon as I prepared to leave work, the idea of spending 45 minutes THINKING made me feel very sad inside so I took a trip to the kitchen at work, where there is a shelf of old trashy books. Two Danielle Steele novels, several Tom Clancy novels, Shirley MacLaine’s “Dancing in the Light,” and an Erma Bombeck book. Motherhood, the Oldest Profession, I think it’s called. Because I have read both of the Danielle Steele novels (True!) I took the Belva Plain novel. It’s called “Whispers.” It’s about a woman whose husband beats her. It’s like a Judith Light movie of the week. I read approximately 50 pages of it on the way home. I will likely be finished it by Saturday morning. I think this is pretty pathetic.

Good: I got a cheque in the mail from ICBC. Looks like they tracked down the asshat who hit and runned our car. I got my deductible refunded to me.

Also good: mac & cheese. With sundried tomatoes. And bacon.

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