They Grow Up So Fast

Seriously – on Saturday Trombone was relatively verbally agreeable (grunts of frustration and occasional shrieks of anger notwithstanding) and on Sunday, out of the blue, he started saying no.

Not just “NO,” though. He says it like this, in the company of rapid headshaking (just in case it wasn’t clear):



I had been (silently and secretly; I am not an idiot) thinking that maybe we were going to dodge the Toddler Says No bullet. Nonononononononononononono I was wrong.

So I am saying a lot of “yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes!” whilst nodding fervently. I think my head actually might fall off by the end of the week but my outlook has improved 20-fold. All hail the power of positive thinking.

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