All I Can Say is This

As many of you know, any crowing of a parental nature is not to be done on the Internet because then the thing you’re crowing about stops happening.

So I offer this completely impartial report LIVE! from SLEEP TEACH 2007! where there is BEER! and some KLEENEX ™ and a couple of DOUGHNUTS!

Trombone took 50 minutes to go to sleep on Friday night and then slept all night. We said Yay. He napped yesterday morning, after 50 minutes. We said Yay! But yesterday afternoon’s nap didn’t happen; he just cried, on and off, for an hour. We said Boo. At bedtime, he yelped once and fell into a dead sleep until 6:30 this morning. We said Yay!! But this morning’s nap didn’t happen; another hour of crying. We said Boo!

All bets are off for this afternoon’s nap; he was falling asleep in the stroller on the way home from getting groceries but he seems to have found some new energy to holler with and 15 minutes later shows no sign of flagging.

Friday night, I was fine. Yesterday morning, I was fine. I cleaned the kitchen within an inch of its life to distract myself, but I was fine. But yesterday afternoon when I began interpreting it as NO LONGER WORKING, it became torture. Our poor, exhausted little bear.

I feel like I’m trying to break, not guide, someone’s spirit.

In my head, yes, I know what we’re doing and it makes sense.

But in my heart, oh it hurts.

PS: In the time it took me to finish writing this and take out all the swear words, the crying has ceased. I offer this information completely impartially and without either pride or despair.

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