Driving back from somewhere this afternoon, on the highway but in the right lane so not travelling too fast, the tall, white truck in front of me swerved suddenly and next thing I know, I’ve hit and then run over a strange item. It was like a box-spring from a bed, only thinner. It had a layer of foam and fabric on it, which my car ripped up and spat out. The remains of the item which looked to be made of plywood, flew to the side of the road after I drove over it. The car just kept on going, it was fine. Chugging along. I thought: wow. If that had flown up at the windshield, I would be some kind of cut up right now. Hmm.
Turns out there’s not exactly no damage. My front license plate has been bent under the car – easily bent back again. And there’s some foam and fabric wedged quite firmly between two pieces of metal under the car, as a souvenir. But the car still goes. Well, it brought me home. Who knows what will happen the next time I drive.
Is this what my horoscope meant by good things happening? I suppose that’s fair. I’d rather be the same as I was yesterday than dead.