The Bagel. Stop!

On my way home from the doctor this morning, I stopped at Metrotown; giant mall of WHEEE! I bought somethings that are good and somethings that are bad and on my way out to the train I realized I wanted a bagel with cream cheese. A garlic bagel. With sundried tomato cream cheese. Handily, just before the exit, a shop presented itself: The Bagel Stop.

I admit, I knew it was there and was thinking about the bagel with cream cheese all the way from the bathroom near Old Navy. No I did not buy anything at Old Navy.

I had a moment to peruse the menu at The Bagel Stop. I thought: the only thing better than a bagel with cream cheese? Would be 3 bagels and a container of cream cheese. The better to snack on the couch, right? Maybe some garlic and some jalapeno. And sundried tomato cream cheese.

The sign said: Bagels – $1.00 each. Or 1/2 doz for $4.50.

No brains required here. 1/2 dozen bagels is what I want. Definitely. Oh, and the jalapeno ones are an extra $0.35 each. I decide to stick with garlic.

The woman behind the counter: Can I help you?
Me: Yes! I would like 6 garlic bagels, please.
TWBTC: Sorry?
Me: 6…garlic…bagels…please….to go
TWBTC: Oh, pardon?
Me: Six
TWBTC: Oh! Um. I don’t know…
Me: (pointing at garlic bagels, of which there are about 15. I hate to point at things that I order since I worked behind a deli counter so I know that people who work behind deli counters tend to know exactly where everything is without you pointing at them and by pointing it’s almost like you’re avoiding conversing. But the poor dear seemed so confused by the conversation we were having – so…) There?
TWBTC: Um…(turns to co-worker) can we?
Co-worker: How many?
Co-worker: (shakes head like wet terrier) No! We can’t!
TWBTC: (to me) Sorry…not six
Me: Uh…?
TWBTC: (somewhat apologetically) It’s too many
Me: So, how many can I buy?
TWBTC: Maybe two of one kind…two of another kind?
Me: May I have three garlic and three onion? Please?
TWBTC: (looks anxiously at co-worker, who nods) OK

I didn’t buy the cream cheese. I came home and had cheddar melts instead.

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