A Little Love Song to the Twizzler.

Oh my god. How can I love candy so much? I have just eaten my daily allowance of Sour Soothers (so determined by the nutritional information on the tub, which states that 10 Sour Soothers contains 140 calories and 12% of my carbohydrate intake for the day [to which I reply: HA!], therefore 10 is enough) and I could easily eat double that were it not for the inevitable tummyache. Plus I already ate 5 Twizzlers.

Speaking of Twizzlers! Prior to two weeks ago, I would have called myself a Twizzlers enjoyer… as Twizzler Lover would have just been too extreme. But as of recently, I have discovered a new relationship with the Twizzler. These allegedly strawberry-flavoured horse-hooves that pass for edible candy have stolen my heart.

Two weeks ago, I bought a small package of Twizzlers. I think I wanted to eat something red, it was just that arbitrary. And I ate them and ate them and they were SO GOOD. So a week later I bought a giant package of Twizzlers because they were cheaply sitting in a post-Easter sale bin and I have been very good, only eating a couple a day but I could actually eat them all. I could. The love (it is not a craving, it is True Love Forever) is that strong.

Twizzlers are the perfect mixture of textures: slightly gummy and slightly firm, a little greasy. Just the right amount of chewing, to satisfy the chewiness craving, but not so much chewing that the mass is pulverized before the flavour is freed. Then the flavour itself – not strawberry-like at all, but cautiously sweet. Cautiously, sweetly optimistic: Twizzler.

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