It’s Dark in Here!

Got bored with th’cheeseblog’s look. That damn duck just staring and staring at me. Took a few minutes and thought about fooling around with CSS, my arch-enemy. Realized I could either do it myself and not accomplish the other 462 things I want to do before December or use someone else’s design and leave my hair in my head where it belongs.

Thank you, Mr. Neuro! This theme is possibly sexier than I can handle right now. I feel like I should write something ponderous. Can I write about reality TV in a blog this sexy or do I have to talk about strife, theatre and smelly French cheeses. Hey! Cheese!

Something I’ve been wondering about for a couple of weeks now: if one has one’s child in a joggy stroller and one is on roller blades and going about 50 km/hr on a crowded city street or seawall, should one’s child maybe have a helmet or a seatbelt or something? I don’t know much about parenting but I’m thinking if that roller blader hit a rock or a squirrel, the precious stroller cargo could fly out and crack a skull. That plus the look of sheer terror on the face of the child in question = a smiting.

Man who probably brushes with antibacterial toothpaste but drives child in stroller at dangerous speeds: you done been smote.

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