Things I Love, In No Particular Order

1. My new doctor peforming my “annual” exam & pap smear. She was in and out so fast, I checked under her coat to see if she was actually a 14-year-old boy dressed up like a doctor.

2. Listening to the construction workers right outside the exam room talking about what they’re going to do this weekend. A lot of beer, apparently.
And some “giv’er.”

3. When Botox’d people try to smile. “Excuse me: you have POISON in your FACE.” LOVE that.

4. Pat Benatar and Queen Latifah in the remix of “Love is a Battlefield.” Uh huh. Yeah. Benatar.

5. This morning’s “Early Edition” LIVE from The ‘Nam restaurant in Kitsilano on the occasion of Kitsilano’s 100th birthday with special guest host George Puil! of questionable transit-tactics fame. At first I thought maybe they were trying to get him killed. Why else would you put a Translink board member amidst people who actually take the bus? I kept listening for the sound of his skull being smashed in or his limbs being pulled from his body but people seemed to laugh (albeit nervously) at his jokes and tolerate (somewhat edgily) his input. Perhaps what they say about gentrification is true. Or maybe everybody was stoned. Damn hippies.

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