Until moments ago, I had not heard the word “canard” in any context other than the obvious “It’s FRAH-NCH for DUCK!” context. But actually, it means:
An unfounded or false, deliberately misleading story … among other things. (The other things are to do with planes and don’t interest me as much.)
eg: I have never, in all my years in the BC Legislature, been privy to such an overt canard!
Canard is a great word but it is not as great as Pinniped, referring to the family of mammals which includes seals, sea lions and “the walrus.” It is so Fun To Say. I have said Pinniped every hour on the hour for the last two days and this does NOT make me crazy it makes me cute.
Now, I have said Pinniped but not spelled it so it is fun also to note that often, Pinniped will be misspelled (by me) as “Pinnipeg” which makes me giggle and makes me think of Sarah. Hi Sarah! Hope you are enjoying Pinnipeg!