Too hot for missiles: I’m switching to guns

This morning, I enjoyed this exploration of romantic comedies and how they mislead us.

Then I sweated some.

I also enjoyed this page, because it has monkey socks and sock monkeys. All praise the monkey socks!

I went to the mall with my mom. I bought two belts and a hot fudge sundae at Dairy Queen. I wanted real ice cream but all the real ice cream places only had the slimy leavings of what used to be rocky road and double fudge whatnot and pistachio gelato. One ice cream place actually had something called “apple crisp gelato,” which nearly made me return the belts and just let it all hang out for apple crisp but then there was only a tablespoon left, which the eager, glistening ice cream girl really wanted to sell me in a waffle cone but I politely declined.

It’s really hot. I don’t know if anyone has mentioned this to you recently, but I have to err on the side of caution and mention that it’s really really hot. It’s 30 degrees celsius which is 86 degrees farehnheit which is too hot for me. Far too hot for the catt, who is black and covered in fur.

I put an ice pack on my head and tied it in place with a scarf. I don’t recommend this if you have no hair, as the icepack will freeze to your bald head, creating an embarrassing reverse-engineer of the whole tongue-on-the-pole thing, but if you have enough hair on your head to trap small animals and birds, as I do, this technique works well for cooling oneself off.

In honour of the day of the dad, I present a new page called “stuff my dad makes.”

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