A Mystery of Ducks

Tumultuous days!

Geared up this morning, stuffed it all in my backpack, necessary because of all the crap I now haul around. Why? Because it helps me cope. Discman (oh yes, I have joined the 21st century) & 18 batteries, CDs, lunch, a book, a notebook, another notebook, a pen, lipgloss, other lipgloss, other other lipgloss.

Well, one is a “sheen” and the other is a “shine” (SHINE!) and the third is just “sparkles” so maybe that one is best for tomorrow, being Friday again so soon.

Rode the bus & listened to ani difranco at full volume. Ah yes. We saw ani last night at the Queen e. St. Aardvark won us tickets on the CBC radio show. I’ve seen ani 4 times now and last night was not her best.

I remember the first and especially the second time; she talked and giggled that maniacal giggle like a mad poet on helium. She hugged everybody with her smile. It was like being in ani’s living room, sitting cross-legged on the shag carpet, chins in our hands, while she bestowed on us wisdom, freakishly fast guitarplaying and some of the best punchlines in folk music.

But I think maybe the love of her life left her and she’s tired and her country is at war and nipples are evil and what’s it all for, anyway? What’s it all fucking for?

That’s what last night’s show said to me. I understand – I know the feeling – I have in the past marvelled at her energy and positive spirits in spite of all of the above…and more. So it was sad and beautiful and all-powerful but in a different direction.

One encore, consisting of one song, then the lights went up and we were all drunk at last call, blinking up at the roadies sweeping the stage.

So this morning my DISCMAN played ani for me, loud and angry in a positive way, in a THIS is what it’s all fucking for THIS is my voice and it is powerful, (“Every time I move, it’s a woman’s movement”) and I rode the bus and the skytrain to work.

As a commuter, I would like it if everybody else would play along and fill the abundent space on the train. Think of the skytrain car as one of those chocolate bars with the bubbles. Now imagine the bubbles are human sized! And the more people you can fit in the chocolate bar bubbles, the better chance you have of winning a LIFETIME SUPPLY of CHOCOLATE!

Also, how do people get to the executive level of any company without ever using commas? There are some who write like this for sentences even when they have many points to make even when they are composing what should be a business letter why do they get paid so much money? Maybe commas are like giving in.

TONIGHT is the two hour season FINAL!E! of The Making of America’s Next Top Business (live! from a ) Shark (cage!). Oh I am so excited. I don’t know how I’m going to stay up till 11 to see the tha-rilling conclusion but I sure am gonna try. And if I’m up that late, I might as well watch Courtney on Leno.

Yesterday we saw Mayor Larry Campbell at the corner of Georgia and Burrard, wearing a kilt & walking down the street. St. Aardvark hollered “WE LOVE YOU MAYOR CAMPBELL!” and Mayor Larry Campbell looked back at us, gave us a wave and a giant smile.

In closing, a moment of silence for the best politician in the whole wide world: Svend Robinson. My heart breaks for him and for me, too, because this was the year I moved back to his riding and I was going to get to vote for someone I actually believed in, someone with convictions, standards, balls, style, talent. A west-coast, tall, gay Trudeau.

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