That’s no Chicken!

The weekend is new, shiny, bright. All the ducks are lined up for inspection. Four days of glorious relaxation is ahead; food, drink, chocolate, sleep, music, chips, cheese. mmm. cheese.

But first, from my What the Fuck? files:

Without any specific strategy, dealmaker Donald Trump battled a live chicken and won $250.
The real estate mogul showed up at his namesake Trump 29 Casino on Tuesday and played the Apprentice Chicken Challenge, a tic-tac-toe game with live poultry in a booth pecking its board selections while a gambler makes picks outside the box.
The Donald beat the bird.

(This “article” came from That’s the entire text. I’m not linking to it because when I added the link here, it did not not work and a little NBC icon showed up in the location bar next to the cheeseblog. NBC does not own me, nope. Not just yet.)

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