Beeutiful Muusic

Last night I was coming home in the car and the sun had just set so the street was not quite dark. A few cars straggled home, but mostly the road was empty. I rolled down my window and flipped around on the radio until I found something that wasn’t Matchbox 20 or a commercial. I got to one station just as they started to play Papa Was a Rolling Stone. Totally transported. I moved. I grooved. (as a side note on the stupid English language, what’s up with “moved” and “grooved”? Surely the language planners could have forseen that people would use the two words together. “moved” and “groved” would be so much more esthetically pleasing.) It was one of those moments where you know you’ve heard a song before but maybe you never really heard it, maaaaan. It was so sweet, the gro(o)ve so deep.

It was then I realized: I am living a music-free life. No! Look at it! In the morning, there is the alarm, which is music, but I turn it off faster than Emeril can Bam! Then there is CBC AM with RICK CLUFF and his motley crew, where you pray they do not play music as it is usually a joke song about hockey or a choir of homeless puppies singing “O Canada” in French.

At work, I might hear: opera in the food fair, sports radio in various peoples’ offices or Hava Nagila from the work cell phone of the man who sits across from me. That’s it. I Enjoy The Silence and the occasional rustle of paper and hum of photocopier. No wonder I am humming that tune, Spanish Flea? all the time. I am a Music Lover. I am an honourary member of Lawrence Welk’s Muuusikal Faaamily. Damn, G. Need some tunes!

Thankfully, it is almost a very long weekend. I will listen to lots of music on my very long weekend. Might even have to get myself some Papa…

In other news

I just killed a spider. I apologize to the universe as, though I do not like spiders very much, I try not to kill them because I believe they do good in the world. This one was crawling across the kitchen floor and in my attempt to trap him in a coffee mug and free him in the sprightly spring morning, he made a sudden movement beneath the mug and I squooshed him.

I’m sorry Mr. Spider Dude.

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