Duck, Duck, Duck GOOSE!

Boy, there sure is a lot of stuff in the world that I have not yet read. But after yesterday and today, I think I’m closing in.


Eyes burning in sockets.
Seat on transit. Woot!
A coffee shop where the music was Flamenco-style versions of rock n roll songs. This ranks right up there for dumbest musical shit I have heard this week. It’s number 2.

Number 1: Dennis DeYoung (fm. of Styx) with an orchestra, in front of an audience of 50ishes wearing chinos and golf shirts, clapping rhythmically and swaying half-heartedly to a really pathetic version of Come Sail Away. Then, the pledge lady (because it was PBS) making dumb jokes with Dennis DeYoung (who was still wearing his weird, black outfit that made him look like a Star Trek castoff) and trying to convince me to pledge my hard-earned MONEY so that more shows like his could be broadcast. Viewers like you, maybe. Not like me.

Number 3: On Venture the other night (Newsworld) a story about a guy in Toronto who has decided the next big WAVE in music is the Recreating of Classic Rock Albums in a Live Setting. I don’t know why I reacted so violently to this idea, but I did.

He gathers talented studio musicians and they rehearse an album (Zeppelin 3, White Album, probably a lot of Pink Floyd) and then they play it for people. The whole album. Note for note. They sell tickets.

Like I said, there’s nothing fundamentally wrong with this – at least they’re not dressing up like Robert Plant or even imitating him. It just sat wrong with me. Like a fat goose on my toe.

All my old work clothes smell like, well, old work clothes. Sure, they have been hanging in my closet for a year. But they shouldn’t smell, should they? Like office? Bleh.

The new office smells better than the old one because it is not in Richmond. This also means I can go outside to eat my lunch and I get to watch boats and planes and birds and punk rockers and game testers and business people. If I had tried to eat my lunch outside in Richmond, I would have been sharing my sandwich with cars, factories, the coffee roasting place next door and what we liked to call the “sweet smell of Richmond,” AKA sewage + manure. A nice blend.

I like it outside in not-Richmond.

And I like YOU!

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