You Say you want a Revolution…

A while ago, I heard about the right hand ring. Totally transparent marketing ploy, yes indeedy. In searching for the real deBeers site today, I encountered the site of someone who jumped so quickly on the bandwagon she must have injured her bum. Behold: The Right Hand Ring.Com


“Why The Right Hand Ring? Well, women never have had the real opportunity to wear fashionable rings on their right hand….How can I tell if it is a right hand ring if it has diamonds on it? The intention of this ring was to have an orientation approximating a north-south alignment as opposed to the traditional east-west alignment traditionally found with diamond engagement rings, three stone rings and diamond anniversary bands.”

Oh! I had no idea there was specific directional alignment involved in engagement ring design. But then, I never claimed to be an Engagement Ring Engineer. I have Terrible Math Skills.

But look! There is MORE!

On the Making of The Right Hand Ring page, the designer explains that “Most people are not familiar with the number of steps it takes to make jewelry, particularly fine jewelry. I can’t show you the creative process because that comes from each individual’s thought process.”

Damn! I would really like to see pictures of the creative process! I mean, someone else’s. I know what mine looks like:

And now, so do you.

For the once and only time in my life, I am part of a trend! I know for sure it is Sarah and I who started this trend, because we have been wearing right hand rings for over 10 years. Our right middle fingers are shiny with independence, sisterhood and wealth. We bought our rings ourselves, at Metrotown! What a huge step for womankind!

I feel all warm inside. Maybe it’s because my independence and uniqueness and womanness has finally been validated by an international marketing campaign.

Hey, it’s Spring! Let’s all go play squirrel and duck tag!

Oh. I have to Spring Clean.

Bye then.

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