Crazy…But that’s How it Goes

In the movie of Courtney Love’s life, I want to play Courtney Love. I keep hearing bad things about her, mostly from men, but I just laugh because I think she is having a really good time being crazy. And if you’re crazy, why not enjoy yourself? Even if you’re only pretending to be crazy to get more press for your critically detested new album, you should definitely enjoy yourself. The girls on the talk shows are pretty and pretty boring. Courtney Love is messy and weird and real and behaves kind of like I would, if I had lived her life.

Yesterday I read the story about Courtney and Dave (Letterman) at Curious, I followed the link to her biography, according to MSN. And I was very amused to see the bands that MSN thinks Courtney Love sounds like. Live, (like a butter knife into my kidneys) Creed, (Pearl Jam wasn’t bad enough?) Cake.

Oh – hold up: Cake?

While I enjoy the music of Cake as much as that of Courtney Love and/or Hole, the enjoy exists in two, separated by barbed wire, sections of my brain. Like my love for the movie “Wit” and my love for the movie “Showgirls.” Hell, NICKELBACK sounds more like Courtney Love than Cake.

Sometimes when I have trouble deciding between two musicians, I imagine a boxing match. That’s why Courtney is my tried & true champion of ROCK. She wins the boxing match every time.

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