This is Not A Game

Having trouble getting excited about The Making of America’s Next Top Business Shark? Has the buzz worn off, your favourite Apprentice got Fired, you don’t know if you can go on? Relax: there’s a remix . “You’re Ffffffired.”

Wave your hands in the air like you just don’t care. I know you don’t. It’s okay.

It reminds me a little of a song performed by William Shatner in a terrible movie called Free Enterprise. The song, “No Tears for Caesar” blends the “Friends, Romans, Countrymen” speech from Julius Caesar with singing Shatner, some fake-rapping Shatner and some actual rapping by some other guys. Oh, and a chorus: The evil that you do will come back to you, Don’t Cry Caesar. There’s an audio clip here, (listed under “Catalog”) which I didn’t listen to because 3 years later the song is still crystal clear in my head, thanks very much.

Hey, beware the Ides of March!

At the end of the movie, even though it’s a not a DVD, you get special features; an endless series of interviews, outtakes, “making of” nonsense and the crowning glory: a full-length video for “No Tears for Caesar”. Hoot!

According to the IMDb, Free Enterprise 2: My Big Geek Wedding is currently in production. Because if you make one crappy movie that 4 people saw, it makes sense to make a sequel. Although, considering Eric McCormack’s current fame, I wonder if he would stoop so low again.

Yeah, yeah, SciFis; keep it in your pants. I know it’s a cult film. I love Beyond the Valley of the Dolls. So I guess I suck too.

The End.

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