Calm Before The

It just keeps snowing and snowing and snowing! Not news to you East of Surrey people but hereabouts it’s like I’m a goldfish in a tiny bowl, peeking out the window every time I pass one, gasping at the snow whirling in the streetlights, at the trees that line the boulevard outside our window starting – again – to bow with the weight of it.

Originally intending a quick trip to my parents’ this morning and then back to spend the night in our own beds, only to return to their place on Christmas morning, we have realized the folly of this (my new favourite word is folly; I recite it as I walk down the street, as I try to change Fresco’s diaper, as I attempt to complete a to-do list containing more than three items) in the face of all the snow and slush that is forecast to fall from the sky in the next 24 hours. So we are going to go there as soon as it is light and stay there overnight.

We hope. I haven’t actually run this by my mother yet, as it is too early to call her.

I suspect she won’t have a problem with it if I tell her I’m bringing my own bacon. And the grandchildren.

Happy holidays all you splendid people. For your own entertainment, please imagine an animated GIF right here with blinky Christmas tree lights around a Santa head that says Ho! Ho! Ho!

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