Record of Semi-Bliss

Is there anything better than an ornery infant finally sleeping, an attention-deprived genius toddler being bathed by his father, a pizza on the way and a well-respected, icy cold gin and tonic in hand on a Friday night?

I am struggling to think of something better.

Nope. There is nothing better for me, right now. And so I compose country music-esque ballads in my head.

The dishwasher is broken
the garbage never ends
the kids’ve been yelling all damn day
and I ain’t got no friends
but suddenly this quiet house
is a blanket soft and warm
I’m gonna drink until it’s dark
and sleep in my sweetheart’s arms

oh friday night
friday night
please don’t stop
don’t bring saturday’s light
every moment that passes
brings us closer to the end
and right now it’s just beginning
sadder songs have not been penned
if I don’t see tomorrow
I will die a happy death
because I died in my big bed
with gin upon my breath.

I will spare you verses 2 – 4. A happy weekend to you all.

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