Category Archives: more about me!

I’ve Never Been

A few years ago a woman at work lost her son. He was in his ’20s. He went to bed one night with the flu and an aspirin; he never woke up. She was at work when her husband called … Continue reading

Posted in more about me!, the parenthood, trombone | 8 Comments

Clean Slate. Moving Forward. Maximizing Synergies.

This is post # 987. That doesn’t mean I have posted 987 times; it means there are some 40-odd drafts that will never be posted. I am thinking, to get to my 1,000 post goal (goal post?) by my birthday … Continue reading

Posted in bloggity!, more about me! | 8 Comments

Navel: Meet Gaze!

On the bus home, sitting between two people with small bottoms, I recalled my angry message from this morning. You know, the one about the man with the big ass. I thought as I dozed and jostled home, it’s not … Continue reading

Posted in more about me!, public transit | 6 Comments


Last things first: Merseydotes has a list of her Christmas baking at her site and even if you don’t plan to bake anything, you can just follow the recipe links, read the words and look at the pictures and drool. … Continue reading

Posted in bloggity!, funny, more about me!, music | 2 Comments

Rob Brezsny and his Band of Merry Angels

I think what I like best about Free Will Astrology horoscopes is not the astrological aspect, in which I do not really believe, at least not in the ways that people who have faith truly believe or that people who … Continue reading

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