Category Archives: bloggity!

Oh Thank God

Arwen, bless her cherished, plaid, flannel knickers, has tagged me for a meme (and I never thought I would type those words but nablopomo has humbled me) and not a minute too soon as it is 9:00 PST and I … Continue reading

Posted in bloggity! | 5 Comments


Just noticed that the inimitable Monsieur Gecko is nominated for them Canadian Bloggies too. Under Science/Tech blog, waaaaay down at the bottom of the page. In my hair salon poll, ECLIPPS is leading with 2 votes. PRISM is trailing with … Continue reading

Posted in bloggity! | 1 Comment

If You Don’t Vote, You Can’t Complain

One of the things I noticed first after our move to New Westminster was the abundance of hair cuttery-type establishments. One day Saint Aardvark and I went for a long walk along 6th Street (one of the Main Drags) and … Continue reading

Posted in bloggity!, outside | 19 Comments

I Just Work Better With Rules, That’s All

To keep myself honest through NaBloPoMo, I have thoughtfully crafted the following: 1. Post every day. Posting more than once a day is allowed, but not encouraged, as one should not like to sap one’s already overtaxed mojo. 2. The … Continue reading

Posted in bloggity! | 1 Comment