I Just Work Better With Rules, That’s All

To keep myself honest through NaBloPoMo, I have thoughtfully crafted the following:

1. Post every day. Posting more than once a day is allowed, but not encouraged, as one should not like to sap one’s already overtaxed mojo.
2. The post may not have as its focus a link to another site. Reference to other sites is allowable for inspiration/citation/afterthought.
3. Readers may suggest topics for posts. If there is something you have always wondered about me, g’head and ask. I reserve the right to ignore your suggestions and questions if they make me uncomfortable. If I use your suggestion I will mail you something nice.
4. The post must be at least one paragraph long. The paragrah should not be only one sentence, but this is more a plea for mercy than a rule.
5. The post may contain images, but there must be one paragraph of text for each image. No catt pictures. Baby pictures allowed, else I risk grandparental ire.
6. The post must have a title.
7. The post’s title cannot be “post XX” where “XX” is the day of the month or the number of the post.
8. The post’s title cannot be something like “Another Stupid Post” or “Is it December Yet?” Respect the process, bitch.
9. Rules of grammar and spelling are not to be adhered to. You are typing with one hand, probably your left! You are right-handed. Just get the damn post out!
10. The post must be published between midnight and midnight, pacific standard time.
11. This post counts. (see you tomorrow, suckahs!)

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