Tag Archives: two! children!

Possibly The Least Sentimental Post About Preschool You Will Ever Read

When I was a youngster, my mother became a preschool teacher. She was The Preschool Teacher in the neighbourhood for 18 or so years. All the kids knew her and their parents would corner her in the supermarket and ask … Continue reading

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Longest Lead Up To Cute Kid Video Ever Tires Mother, Causes Wine Drinking Instead of Editing

“Tell me more things I said when I was a baby,” he says. We are walking home from the park, just before lunchtime. “Hm,” I say. “Well, you said “coke” instead of “milk” for the longest time…” He bursts into … Continue reading

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I’m So Over It

Yesterday I was melancholy. It was raining and cold and at first I was melancholy because we were going to the beach for a week and while YES it is fun to play on the beach whether or not it … Continue reading

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The Mall

When I started running with the group at my workplace, many years ago, I bought a watch for timing myself. Not wind sprints or anything but I was learning to run using the “run one minute / walk four minutes … Continue reading

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Welcome to Interactive Diary Land! Dear Diary:

I am spending most of my time these days either dreaming about our beach vacation, scheduled for the week starting September 8th – and no, SA will be home so don’t even think about robbing our house, internet robby types … Continue reading

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