The lesson is: if you diddledaddle too long over a blog entry, the browser window you’re working in will crash and you will have nothing to show for all your meticulous editing.
2 main points:
One: Guy socks are cheaper than chick socks. 50% cheaper for comperable quality. I love my new Men’s/Hommes Wilson Premier Sport & Casual socks in black, black and grey. 3 pack for $4.98.
Two: Women pee on toilet seats in public washrooms. Maybe men don’t know this – how could they? But really – some women are so petrified of what they think is on toilet seats, waiting to jump up and bite them, that they stand and perch and squat over the toilet. This is about as successful as you might imagine.
On the other hand, maybe everyone but me (and the two chicks I’ve had this conversation with) squats and just some chicks are better at wiping up after themselves.
Not most of them, though. Most of them are filthy beasts. Remember that the next time your girlfriend tells you to put the toilet seat down or criticizes your hygeine in any way. Say, “I bet you’re one of those chicks who squats over the toilet in public washrooms and pees all over the seat and then doesn’t even have the common courtesy to wipe up her own pee.” 75% of the time you’ll be right.
I dare you.