All the Things She Doesn’t Say

Here are some phrases Priya Ramu might have used to end her interview with two gentlemen who are developing an idea – something to do with binners, garbage collection and business improvement in the Downtown Eastside, I wasn’t really paying attention – after she said, “…it’s an interesting idea…”

“…I look forward to hearing more about it.”
“…I wish you well with it.”
“…I hope things work out for you.”

What she said:

“…I’ll be interested to see if it actually gets off the ground.”

It’s that “actually” that really pushes it from cautiously optimistic to bitchy, don’t you think? And that is the magic of Priya. It’s not all her words – just some of them, combined with that tone (look at the picture, above, again and imagine her saying anything to you, even as innocuous as “Hello,” without it sounding bitchy) that make you think, did someone tie a bag of poop to her chair? Or what? At least, it makes me think that.

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