
– Three men in their 20s, clustered around the trunk of a white sedan at 10:15 am. They had the surreptitious manner of those who sell drugs but when I passed by I saw into the trunk. And in that trunk I saw several boxes of Stars Wars figurines. Lemme tell y’all what it’s like. Being male, middle class and white.

– Two grandparents absolutely delighted to be wheeling their tiny grandchild around the neighbourhood in its huge, like bigger than the sedan referenced above stroller. They assessed Trombone with sharp eyes and found him to be old enough to be no competition for their wee sprog so greeted us with a chipper “Good morning!” I thought fondly back to when his own grandparents wheeled Trombone around the neighbourhood, greeting everyone and bursting with pride.

– Two elementary school aged boys engaging in a screaming contest in the schoolyard at lunchtime. Neither of them smiled or laughed when the contest was done. They just kept staring at each other.

– In the Shoppers Drug Mart at the Most Depressing Mall in the Universe, only one giant, musical stuffed toy remains in the window. On Saturday there were several. I hope against hope that the rest have been put out of sight by some savvy employee, rather than sold to people who will give them to their children for Christmas. There are lions and elephants. Trombone most emphatically does not want one.

– One disheveled man at Safeway who spent his time in line reciting “See a penny/pick it up/all day long/you’ll have good luck.” He dropped his lucky penny on his way out and then called out, “Have you killed a communist today?” before making his exit.

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