Not Lunch-Safe

Lest you assume, as I did, that the worst journalism in the country can be found in The Province newspaper (or its other-province equivalents,) I share with you the following story from the online “Soo Today,” (Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario) courtesy of Saint Aardvark’s dad.

Tracking the Turds.

I think my favourite part is:

“Then Slater showed us a strange-looking screening machine, sort of like a set of restless, double-bladed stairs.”

Am I just sleep-deprived or is that image completely ungraspable? Restless, double-bladed stairs. What the fuck does that look like? An escalator? That’s the only thing I can think of. An escalator. Just say “escalator.” God.

At least they have sewage treatment. Victoria, our provincial capital, does not.

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