The Moon is Full. THAT is the Reason.

This is a song called Thursday. It goes a lot like Wednesday. Make up your own tune; I’m tired.

Wake up
feed baby
change baby
feed baby some more
burp baby (baby whines during this part because he thinks I have stopped feeding him and if I stop, how will he get to 20b lbs by the weekend?)
feed baby some more
exchange pleasantries with baby
baby yawns
nurse baby to sleep
baby sleeps almost instantly
wait until baby is really asleep, put baby down

baby wakes up
attempt pleasantries with baby
baby screams
try various soothing techniques
feed baby
baby sleeps almost instantly
hold baby for 1 hour while it sleeps.

baby wakes up. complaining.
change baby’s diaper
very short exchange of pleasantries
wash hands, leaving baby on floor WHERE THERE ARE SHARKS APPARENTLY
try assorted soothing
feed baby
baby eats for a while, falls asleep
hold baby for 1 hour

baby wakes up, squints up at me, starts to cry
place baby on floor to change diaper
pick up baby, go upstairs for change of scene
baby headbutts my collarbone
place baby on changetable SCREAMS pick baby up place baby on bed SCREAMS pick baby up SCREAMS decide fuck it and change baby on table after all check for lesions, snakebites, see nothing
back downstairs
feed baby
baby sleeps
type entry with left hand.

And this is BEFORE he gets immunized at 5 pm. holla!

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