Everything You’ve Heard

about Strata Councils is true.

We went to our first meeting last night (the annual general meeting) and my defenses were down! I was expecting something nice and peaceful and boring! But it was like being at a meeting anywhere (most recently at work); three crazies who keep asking irrelevant questions, a bunch of people who never get to complain to an audience, so keep putting their hands up to say how annoyed they are by things, plus three or four people who sigh dramatically with the hope that their sighs will shame the crazies and complainers into shutting the hell up so everyone can go home and eat dinner!

Guess which group I’m in?

When I get into meetings like that, I tend to latch on to the ridiculousness of the discussion at hand and then I start laughing. And most other people are wrapped up in the seriousness of the discussion at hand so look at me like I am mispackaged. I won’t give a specific example because I’m sure that’s against the rules, but let’s say you have a bylaw that states:

We can do A if B and C = P
and someone attempts to make an amendment to said bylaw so that it states
We can do A if B = P
and the other people take issue with this because who defines B if there is no longer C?
so they introduce an amendment to the amendment so that it reads
We can do A if B = P + T. (But only if T = Bob. And most people agree this is fine, because it’s important to define T as Bob.)
And most people agree that this is a good thing
except for one guy
who wonders about F.
And everyone says “F?”
and he says, yes. F. What if someone has done F.
and everyone says, what does that have to do with A?
and he says, Fine. Nevermind F. Forget it. OBVIOUSLY no one cares about F.
and he crosses his arms angrily and taps his foot.

I couldn’t help it. It made me giggle.

Luckily, we are not intending to do A at all, (or F) so we don’t have to worry about the inherent complications.

I am listening to (edited to add: The) CBC, where Nelly Furtado is performing acoustic versions of songs from her new album. I am intrigued.

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