Limping Along, Singing my Song

I should have used the foam earplug between my toes a week ago! What blissful world is this where the earplug nestles comfortably and stays in place without the benefit of tape or glue? Foam earplugs: not just for tuning out your neighbour’s incessant electronic music anymore!

Gino Vanelli has made a new pop album.

Now, try to forget I said that! Ha! You can’t! Neither can I! I refuse to suffer alone with this knowledge.

We kept hearing this wretched song on the radio, it was all “Jazz Choir”y, you know, like in grade 10? about how it’s only love and don’t worry about it and it’s only love hey I can learn to live without it culminating with this no-soul wail about how the singer would like us to “excuse [him] while he goes off and [dies]…” with a big long trill on the “iiiiiiiiii” part of “die” and everytime we heard it, Saint Aardvark would say, “who the hell is this again? Is it Big Gay Al?” and I would say, “I think it must be a Canadian Idol winner… it has that desperate false showmanship about it, mixed with a voice I don’t recognize, combined with uber-frequent airplay (indicating Canadian Content)…” (only I said it much less coherently because, of late, I am much less coherent – pregnant-head is not a myth, people; yesterday I tried locking my apartment door with the front-door key and then got really frustrated when it wouldn’t work ) but as it turns out, the singer in question is Mr. Wild Horses himself. Hey, I liked Wild Horses enough. 20 years ago.

My favourite part of that fansite (other than ALL THE PHOTOS especially the crotch shot with Gino reading Walt Whitman, oh and can you imagine meeting this hair in a dark alley?) is near the end and yes, this is a cheap shot as the site’s owner obviously does not speak English as a first language, but: “Beware of new Gino Vannelli live concerts in the Winter of 2006”? Awesome. Thanks for the tip!

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