New Week Resolutions + Sunday Love!

A year is so long. How can you make a resolution that should last a whole year? I heard on the radio last week that the number of days after which Canadians break their new year’s resolutions is 17. What day was it, now, that I heard that? Oh yes, January 17th.

I think I will take things one week at a time.

This week I resolutely intend to:

1. Paint my nails.
2. Pack a lunch every day except one.
3. Buy a delicious lunch one day.
4. Stop using the words “fuckwad,” “cocksucker” and “goddamn idiot.” Especially when at the office. Especially especially out loud.
5. Try to see things his or her way.
6. Not watch any television that makes me scowl or utter words listed above. Election results excepted.
7. Eat only good chocolate.

Re: #6. Last night I sat on the couch and watched 3/4 of a movie on the women’s television network. It starred Shannon Elizabeth. She really acts about as well as these boots in the Vancouver rain. It was about a woman trying to balance her career in advertising with her upcoming wedding. See, she wanted the wedding to be PERFECT and she also wanted to win the big account for her scowly boss who thought she was an airheaded idiot so she was all stressed out and she fought with her fiance and she got kissed by an old college flame who happened to be working on the big account pitch with her.

There was a lot of narration.

Is the fluff getting worse or am I getting old or is it just because I’m not drinking? Regardless, this week I shall be strong and stick only to that television which makes me happy.

Now. Since I seem able, of late, only to read other peoples’ words on the web and cry at how much better they are than me, and since it is Sunday, a day when I traditionally feel a) morose and b) obliged, because I have free time, to write here yet increasingly nothing comes, which leads to a spiral of angst and carpal tunnel attacks from my hand poised over the keyboard, I introduce the first installment of Sunday Love! wherein I provide links to the places I like to visit in the interest of sharing and compliments and, well, love.

I will leave out those blogs which are linked on the right as you people are either the authors of those blogs or have seen the links there for the last year and if you haven’t checked ’em out yet you’re probably not going to. Sigh. Maybe next week’s resolutions will include one to re-vamp ye old cheeseblog.

Proceeding, then.

I recently began reading In Palinode’s Palace, a witty, often downright hilarious account of travel, conversations, eclectica etc. And he’s Canadian. I enjoyed this post a great deal.

Out of Order is the first online journal-type-place I ever read. She was my first bookmark. I go back for Annie’s elegant, clean writing that sometimes is gut-splittingly hilarious and sometimes makes me sob like an over-tired toddler. Recently, her cat died and I was unable to function for weeping.

Similarly, when Kitty Bukkake lost her mom just over a year ago, I was stunned by how much it affected me. Kitty/Jen runs marathons, makes performance art and writes from a place in her body that I don’t think I’ve ever even seen in an anatomy book.

Another recent obsession: Breed em and Weep. So bloody good.

And if you’re after music, So Much Silence offers MP3s, suggestions, theme weeks and more. It was here I discovered Jewish hip hop, among other things.

OK bye.

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