The Glass is Half Full. Of Rain.

This morning dawned with our 22nd straight day of rain. And not wispy, curly hair enhancing rain but sideways, driving rain. Dark, gloomy rain. The insides of my jacket pockets are still wet from Saturday’s quick walk to the grocery store rain.

Itemized grumbling commenced as follows: I slept in. My neck hurts. Yesterday a piece of one of my fillings fell out. It’s raining so damn much that I am resigned to carrying an umbrella and I hate umbrellas. The snippet I heard of CBC radio was a non-productive conversation between the federal candidates for Vancouver Centre: Hedy Fry, Svend Robinson and some Conservative who doesn’t have a chance.

But as I walked to work, muttering under my breath about the stupid idiot asshatedess of it all plus how can there be girls who are 4 feet tall carrying golf umbrellas taller than them and there ought to be a law against ALL OF YOU and especially mukluks and I would really like another hour of sleep, I realized:

1. My boots really are waterproof. They are leather so I keep expecting them to come to that point where they’ve had enough and start absorbing rather than repelling the water. It hasn’t happened yet! My feet are dry!

2. At least I am not a “24 Hours” paper thruster. At least when I am done being out in the weather I get to spend the part of the day when I’m actually working under a roof with lights and heat and a radio. (At a reasonable volume.)

3. For that matter, I have a home to go back to, unlike the people that Hedy, Svend and Nochance were talking about in their debate. (Hedy: Well, Rick, as you know, we implemented a Homeless Persons’ Initiative in 1997. Me: Is that why there are so many more homeless people? Because you took the initiative?)

4. My newly inherited maternity pinstriped trousers are water repellant. I don’t know what space-age polymers they made these pants out of but my thighs were dry when I got to the office. Also, these trousers hold several advantages over my other pinstriped trousers, namely: they fit and the hems are not held up by staples.

Thank you, mysterious woman who gave magical clothes to a friend of mine who then passed them on to me. Thank you, women everywhere!

5. Just possibly, the hormone balance in my body has shifted.

Here are some songs to have in your head that are better than the ones I talked about yesterday:

Raspberry Beret: Prince.
The Littlest Birds: The Be Good Tanyas.
Superstition: Stevie Wonder.
Born to Run: Bruce Springsteen.
Radio, Radio: Elvis Costello.
Undun: The Guess Who.

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