Interesting Fact Tuesday

I heard on the radio this morning a reference to a Conservative Member of Canada’s Parliament who has taken to making his points in the House of Commons by reciting them as rhyming couplets and sometimes actually singing his statements: the example on the radio was him wailing like a drunken uncle, “We don’t need no/sub-committees/we just need/a leader with balls” (not verbatim) to the tune of “Another Brick in the Wall” by Pink Floyd.

The Speaker was quoted as retorting (also not verbatim),
“If the Honourable Member wishes to express himself in song, may I suggest he save his comments for National Anthem Wednesday…”

So I got to thinking: National Anthem Wednesday? Does this mean that the MPs sing the National Anthem every Wednesday? Or does it mean that on Wednesdays, people across the country are encouraged to sing their own anthems? (“We Will Rock You,” perhaps, or “Panama”?) Or does it mean that this coming Wednesday (October 5) is National Anthem Day?

Sadly, the first and most obvious choice is correct.
“In 1995, the House concurred in a report of the Procedure and House Affairs Committee which recommended that the Members sing the national anthem at the beginning of each Wednesday sitting.”
If I ever tour the parliament buildings again, I am SO going on a Wednesday.

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