What The Hell is That on Joey’s Head?

The new Nickelback single, from whence comes the title of this post, is called “Photograph” and bears a startling, nay, terrifying resemblance to the song that preceded it, “Torn,” by Natalie Imbruglia.

No, no, don’t go try to find it. You’ll be hearing it frequently enough by the time school starts. It’s as Fall a song as that piece of poop Roxette Remix (Listen to Your Heart) [which, according to this page “…touches your heart, but it is also wholly danceable”] is a summer song, albeit a torturously composed summer song. The next car that drives past my apartment blasting “Listen to your heeeeeaaaaaarrrrrrrttttt!!!” gets a catt poo bomb. Better hope you’re not a convertible.

Oh how I miss the year “Sweet Child O Mine” was the summer song. Further to that, I miss Back When, a song about which I have been meaning to write a detailed analysis for quite some time but never got around to.

Why yes, I am listening to Z95.3, Vancouver’s best hit music! And! I just learned that they have a contest starting soon called “Breeder’s Cup” because apparently my eyes deceive me and NOT everyone in the lower mainland is already pregnant so they’re going to make a game of it. Whee!

Damn you, CBC. Why did you have to go on strike on my days off?

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