Correction & Observation & Alert

1. The spelling matron inside me will not allow the mistake in yesterday’s post to stand. It’s BenAdryl. (And it still kicks chin-itch ass.)

2. It’s so very summer. Finally.

3. A new advisory letter was issued to health care professionals and Health Canada at the end of June about Depo-Provera, the once-every-three-months injectible birth control.

In November, a first letter came from manufacturers Pfizer, acknowledging that long-term use of Depo diminishes bone density and leads to osteoporosis, particularly in women who have been using the drug during their bone-building teenage & young adult lives. People were advised to supplement their Depo use with Vitamin D, weight-bearing exercise and increased calcium intake.

This new advisory says the same thing but is worded with more strength:

“Patients should be aware that DEPO-PROVERA should be used as a birth control method or endometrial treatment only if other treatments have been considered to be unsuitable or unacceptable and should be used for the shortest period of time possible.”

Consider that the above was written by the folks who stand to make or lose money from the product, people who, to my mind, would sooner understate than alarm, and the “advisory” starts to sound more like the bells at the Vatican on a Pope’s funeral day.

Coincidentally, Pfizer also makes my new boyfriend, Benadryl. And a lot of other stuff.

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